Polyester Paint Brush Manufacturer - Cohwa
At Cohwa, we can offer our customers one of the largest selections of Polyester Paint Brush in the area. Available in many different shapes and sizes, our customers will be able to find the Polyester Paint Brush to suit their individual needs. Each bristle type ad brush size shape and handle make are specifically designed for each customers project. Our products offer detailed descriptions to help our customers find the paint and chip brush that will help them get their projects completed the right way the first time.
Cohwa manufactures and supplies a variety of Polyester Paint Brush to meet all your needs including your standard. At Cohwa, we offer a wide selection of 100% China Polyester Paint Brush. Cohwa's brush selection includes paint brushes of all kind including round sash, angular sash, and flat sash brushes. Adding an extra measure of holding power to minimize shedding and bristle loss under severe conditions.
Cohwa manufactures brushes for a variety of uses such as the application of resins, cement, lubricants, glue, paste and other industrial coatings, and of course paint. Our paint brushes are set in solvent proof epoxy setting compound, adding an extra measure of holding power to minimize shedding and bristle loss under severe conditions. Our chip brushes are constructed of superior quality materials to give the tough, outstanding performance demanded by the industry.
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100% polyester for latex paints use
Double holder plastic handle
Perfect for latex paints
SKU List
4" with 44mm outlength